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TiC supported Pt―Ir electrocatalyst prepared by a plasma process for the oxygen electrode in unitized regenerative fuel cellsSHENG SUI; LIRONG MA; YUCHUN ZHAI et al.Journal of power sources (Print). 2011, Vol 196, Num 13, pp 5416-5422, issn 0378-7753, 7 p.Article

Oxide-based bifunctional oxygen electrode for rechargeable metal/air batteriesKANNAN, A. M; SHUKLA, A. K; SATHYANARAYANA, S et al.Journal of power sources. 1989, Vol 25, Num 2, pp 141-150, issn 0378-7753, 10 p.Article

Miniature Clark oxygen electrodes using anisotropic etching of silicon and their application to biosensorsSUZUKI, H.Applied biochemistry and biotechnology. 1993, Vol 41, Num 1-2, pp 73-74, issn 0273-2289Conference Paper

Inhibitory activity of analogs of AM-toxin, a host-specific phytotoxin from the Alternaria alternata apple pathotype, on photosynthetic O2evolution in apple leavesMIYASHITA, Masahiro; NAKAMORI, Tomoko; MIYAGAWA, Hisashi et al.Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry. 2003, Vol 67, Num 3, pp 635-638, issn 0916-8451, 4 p.Article

Metal―carbon nanocomposites as the oxygen electrode for rechargeable lithium―air batteriesKE, Fu-Sheng; SOLOMON, Bryan C; MA, Shu-Guo et al.Electrochimica acta. 2012, Vol 85, pp 444-449, issn 0013-4686, 6 p.Article

Non-uniform polarizations in SOFC oxygen electrodesKENJO, T; NOJIRI, D.Electrochimica acta. 2004, Vol 50, Num 4, pp 995-1004, issn 0013-4686, 10 p.Article

Relations entre propriétés physiques et propriétés électrocatalytiques des ferrites La1-xSrxFeO3-y = Relations between physical properties and electrochemical properties of ferrites La1-xSrxFeO3-yGRENIER, J. C; EA, N; POUCHARD, M et al.Revue de chimie minérale. 1984, Vol 21, Num 5, pp 692-700, issn 0035-1032Article

Influence of oxygen on the growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in continuous culture = Action de l'oxygène sur la croissance de S.c. en culture continueFURUKAWA, K; HEINZLE, E; DUNN, I. J et al.Biotechnology and bioengineering. 1983, Vol 25, Num 10, pp 2293-2317, issn 0006-3592Article

Improved fabrication of double-barreled recessed cathode O2 microelectrodes. ReplyNAIR, P. K; WHALEN, W. J; LINSENMEIER, R. A et al.Journal of applied physiology (1985). 1989, Vol 66, Num 5, issn 8750-7587, 2479 [1 p.]Article

Brennstoffzellen mit phosphorsaurem Elektrolyten ― Spezifik und technische Anwendungen = Piles à combustible avec électrolyte à acide phosphorique spécificités et applications techniques = Fuel cells with phosphoric electrolyte, specific property and technical applicationsGRÜNIG, G; WIESENER, K.Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Universität Dresden. 1985, Vol 34, Num 4, pp 37-45, issn 0043-6925Article

A BOD biosensor based on a microorganism immobilized on an Al2O3 sol-gel matrixDANDAN CHEN; YIBIN CAO; BAOHONG LIU et al.Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry. 2002, Vol 372, Num 5-6, pp 737-739Article

Fabrication of a sensing module using micromachined biosensorsSUZUKI, Hiroaki; ARAKAWA, Hiroaki; KARUBE, Isao et al.Biosensors & bioelectronics. 2001, Vol 16, Num 9-12, pp 725-733, issn 0956-5663Conference Paper

Evaluation of subcutaneous oxygen tensions at varied ambient oxygen pressures in miceCRISWELL, D. W; MEHM, W. J.Journal of hyperbaric medecine. 1992, Vol 7, Num 2, pp 81-87, issn 0884-1225Article

Current-limiting factors and the location of the reaction area in PTFE-bonded double-layered oxygen electrodesKENJO, T; KAWATSU, K.Electrochimica acta. 1985, Vol 30, Num 2, pp 229-233, issn 0013-4686Article

Electrodes à diffusion de gaz, à air, en carbone, renfermant du dibenzotétraazaannulène de cobalt (CoDTAA) pyrolyséGAMBURTSEV, S; GRYUNIG, G; KAISHEVA, A et al.Èlektrohimiâ. 1984, Vol 20, Num 4, pp 500-503, issn 0424-8570Article

Electrodes de piles à combustible avec catalyseurs de thiospinellesSOFRONKOV, A. N; KOROLENKO, L. I; YAKOVENKO, V. S et al.Žurnal prikladnoj himii. 1983, Vol 56, Num 7, pp 1668-1670, issn 0044-4618Article

Characterization of the silicone tonometer using a membrane-covered transcutaneous electrodeLARSEN, P. N; MOESGAARD, F; GOTTRUP, F et al.Scandinavian journal of clinical & laboratory investigation. 1989, Vol 49, Num 6, pp 513-519, issn 0036-5513Article

A gas diffusion electrode for oxygen reduction working at 100 % utilization of catalyst clustersWATANABE, M; TOZAWA, M; MOTOO, S et al.Journal of electroanalytical chemistry and interfacial electrochemistry. 1985, Vol 183, Num 1-2, pp 391-394, issn 0022-0728Article

Viability in split-skin biopsies measured by a surface oxygen electrodeJENSEN, H. S; ALSBJORN, B. F.Scandinavian journal of clinical & laboratory investigation. 1984, Vol 44, Num 5, pp 423-428, issn 0036-5513Article

Investigation of the carbon-oxygen (air) electrodeSHTEINBERG, G. V; DRIBINSKY, A. V; KUKUSHKINA, I. A et al.Journal of electroanalytical chemistry and interfacial electrochemistry. 1984, Vol 180, Num 1-2, pp 619-637, issn 0022-0728Article

Biocapteurs appliqués à l'environnement : enzymes immobilisés sur une électrode à oxygène : Analyse de l'eau = Biosensors applied to the environment : immobilized enzymes on an oxygen electrodeBURSTEIN, C; CASIMIRI, V; FENNOUH, S et al.Spectra 2000 analyse. 1995, Vol 24, Num 185, pp 37-40, issn 1255-2909Conference Paper

Micromachined chemical sensorsSUZUKI, H.Applied biochemistry and biotechnology. 1993, Vol 41, Num 1-2, pp 75-76, issn 0273-2289Conference Paper

A theoretical model investigation of the oxygen-electrode processes of an alkaline H2-O2 fuel cellPATAKI, L; MADY, A; VENTER, R. D et al.Journal of molecular structure. 1986, Vol 135, pp 189-208, issn 0022-2860Article

On-line estimation of the time constant of oxygen electrodes by time series analysisTURNER, C; HOWELL, J. A.Biotechnology letters. 1984, Vol 6, Num 4, pp 215-220, issn 0141-5492Article

An experimental comparison of respiration measuring techniques in fermenters and shake flasks : exhaust gas analyzer vs. RAMOS device vs. respirometerSELETZKY, Juri M; NOACK, Ute; HAHN, Sebastian et al.Journal of industrial microbiology & biotechnology. 2007, Vol 34, Num 2, pp 123-130, issn 1367-5435, 8 p.Article

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